How to improve your Personal Energy

We don’t just wake up one morning, jump out of bed and climb Mt Everest.

It takes planning, preparation, training and practice runs on smaller climbs to develop the energy, fitness and stamina required.

Most mountains paths are not direct routes to the summit but take us up and down through valleys, fields and rivers to lead us to the next peak. And as we hike each section of the track, we experience new viewpoints, different perspectives are revealed, and we stop regularly to pause, rest and recharge.

It takes hard work, determination, and sometimes sheer perseverance to get where we wish to go. Part of resilience is maintaining our personal energy which we need to recharge and replenish.

Taking adequate time out to recover and rejuvenate is key to a productive and fulfilling life.

When it comes to the basics of health most of us acknowledge the go to categories as what we eat, how we move, and sufficient sleep. And Tom Rath has a great book Eat Move Sleep that shows how tiny healthy choices in these areas lead to larger positive changes.

But I invite you to think of energy as more than just physical health. To look more broadly and include important wellbeing domains like emotional, mental and social. Climbing our personal mountains includes reservoirs of motivation, goal striving, mental focus, social support in addition to physical fitness.

Key areas and ideas for boosting your personal energy:

  1. Rest – sleep, breaks, relaxation, listening to music, mindfulness and breathing.
  2. Recharge – play, hobbies, social connection, time in nature, meditation, gratitude
  3. Fitness – movement, exercise, mobility, flexibility, strength, stamina
  4. Fuel – nutrition, hydration, energy

Where are you doing well? Where might your energy and resilience need a boost?

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