Change is happening faster, more frequently and more dramatically than we are used to. And neurologically we are wired to view change as a threat. The last few years has disrupted the how, the where and the way we work. Which in turn has brought uncertainty and stress for most people, and the potential for burn-out for managers who are trying to manage it all.
So, resilience is important – put simply, it is the ability to positively adapt to change and adversity. And research shows that resilience training can be effective in improving health, wellbeing and performance.
One of the greatest challenges to understanding resilience and its benefits is that there is no universally agreed definition or standard for measurement. To add to the confusion, much of what is written about resilience is either theoretical and personally unrelatable, or someone’s heroes’ journey of survival unique to them.
A google search on resilience returns 874,000 results in 42 seconds. So how do you know where to start? What to choose? Which strategies work? But most importantly, what will be helpful for you?
The good news with resilience is that while it may be tricky to figure out – we all have some resilience. People used to believe that you were either born with resilience or you weren’t.
You may think your resilience is low because you get burnt out. But actually, you might be great in moments of high stress when others would crumble. Or vice versa. That’s because you can be naturally stronger in one area of resilience than another.
Science has evolved and while we know that character and environment play a strong role in our starting levels of resilience, we can also learn skills to increase our resilience. We can develop it, get better at it, and also build it as an internal resource to draw on it when we need it.
To help you figure out what aspects of resilience are going to be helpful for you, I have put together a short guide to getting you started.
Guide to Developing Personal Resilience
And I can help you with online, interactive and engaging resilience skills development and mental health education for your staff, managers and workplace. Our most popular programs supporting workplaces:
1. Building personal resilience skills supporting all staff to thrive with change, uncertainty and complexity.
2. Developing positive leadership skills for people managers to increase team psychological safety, mental wellbeing, resilience and cohesion.
3. Creating mental health literacy skills with leaders and managers to reduce mental health risk and increase mental wellbeing at work.
“I am very fortunate to work for an organisation that values wellbeing. Fleur provides us with insightful, creative and professional support in wellbeing. Fleur lights up the room with positivity and heart- and has a unique talent in reading her audience accurately, and then delivering content in a fun, relevant and interactive style. I work remotely and have to put my best game face on for our customers. Fleur’s sessions keep me connected with my colleagues and keep my wellbeing in check.” – Iris Havard, Sales Representative, Buildex